Email Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

7 min readDec 13, 2021


Email Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Email marketing is one of the most efficient methodologies when it comes to advertising and hooking up your subscribers for a long-term benefit. Yet most businesses fail to accomplish their target audience. Wonder why?

If your Email Marketing Strategy is not up to the mark it’s not because of the methodology i.e. Email marketing is being drawn out of trend, but the problem lies in the whole campaign itself.

Well, there are numerous factors that led to such outrage, which our experts from Digital Marketing Agency Jacksonville have enlisted in today’s blog and we are going to discuss how to overcome those occasionally ignored mistakes. So, let’s begin.

Email marketing mistakes that you need to avoid to run a successful campaign

1. The ignorance of the First Impression.

We all know that the first impression matters a lot and how it can impact your business further and are also very well aware of the cons and drawbacks of an un-impactful first impression. Yet, marketers overlook this huge mistake. Email marketing isn’t just about pasting your content and sending it to the audience. It’s a way more important factor that needs to be paid special attention to.

Considering the average click-through rate which is 2.78%, you probably don’t want to lose that one effortfully acquired customer within this minimal success rate. In the email marketing domain, you get one shot at making a great first impression. So, don’t waste it. After all, your first point of contact will set the expectations for the entire customer-brand relationship. Thus, paying attention to these small details will decide the fate of your business.

2. Sending non-personalized emails.

Upon being discussed about the first impression, there’s one more thing that you need to take into consideration, i.e. “Presentation”.

You are well aware that you are not the only one in the competition, there are hundreds of more like you out there, hustling all their way to the top. So in order to beat the competition and achieve the top, make sure your mails are well personalized, eye-catching, properly formatted, and crafted with unique content.

These simple yet effective techniques one should apply in order to be exceptional from the rest in this domain.

3. Sending numerous emails.

The thing that initially was a great way to connect with your customers will take no time to turn into the main reason they unsubscribe.

Spamming too many emails won’t be an effective marketing strategy. Instead, it will lead to the downfall of your brand. Your customers will start ignoring your messages and may get annoyed by the frequency of emails, eventually leading to not only just ignorance but hatred for your Business. And that’s the last thing you would be wanting for your Business.

If you wish to run your email marketing campaign successfully then take a look at the following reasons why customers unsubscribe or block branded emails:

★ 48.8% of the customers have flagged an email as spam because the company sends too many emails. (Not to mention, according to human psychology a person would definitely get frustrated if he’s constantly being interrupted)

★ The shocking fact was, upon asking how businesses could improve the customer click-through rate while sustaining minimum frustration rate, the answer was ‘by sending fewer mails’. That was unexpected, right? Well, this data was collected from 43.9% of customers worldwide and that’s a huge number!

4. Failing to include clear calls to action {CTA}

Your emails should serve the purpose, of whether you want your targeted audience to buy your service/product or to subscribe to your channel. Your marketing strategy will remain a waste of effort if it does not command any CTA message to your audience.

Hence, make sure as of what you want to acquire and make the alterations accordingly. Remember the more unique the content is, the higher will be your chances of getting a response, thus leading to growth.

5. Over-crowding your email content.

We know that you are eager and want to showcase the commodities that your business provides and the maximum of why’s in your advertisement. So, you try to fit the maximum content, even after knowing that the forum has limited space, thus, making it overcrowded. This turns out to be a huge disappointment for your marketing strategy. The customers don’t like to read things that are very overcrowded with too many highlights and mark-ups. Instead, they prefer articles that are spacious, less crowded, easy, and simple to understand. Because spacious content not only does look beautiful but also is worth reading, and that is exactly what you want for your customers. While on the other hand, overcrowded content will simply create an impression of not worth reading. Thus, leading your emails flagged as spam.

6. Not creating attention-grabbing Subject lines.

Getting your targeted audience to open your email, in itself is an achievement. Good job! You successfully passed stage one. But what if upon opening the mail, you fail to grab the interest of your respective audience? That’s not something you’d be wanting to happen, do you?

Well to overcome this drawback you must deliberately work your way on the subject line of your article. According to research, 35% of email recipients open an email based on the heading of the article itself. Because the headline/subject line of any article or advertisement solely runs the whole game on the Internet marketing domain.

One more thing that you need to consider while writing the subject lines for your emails is that one should never make the subject lines too long and most importantly, do not make them complex. For optimum engagement, your subject lines must be simple yet attention-grabbing and easy to read.

Internet Marketing is a vast sector and the competition is extremely tough.

Therefore, you must be up to date with the new strategies and ongoing trends in order to thrive in the market.

So to ensure your marketing techniques are worth the efforts and provide efficient email marketing services, let us go through a quick summary of what we learned today:

➢ Mistake-1

The ignorance of the First Impression.

Creating the first impression is the most neglected factor when it comes to email marketing. It’s simply because people believe it’s not worth the effort or such small details must be taken into consideration only when doing a large-scale production or virtual advertisement.

You get one shot at making an impactful first impression, so don’t waste it.

Remember: “The first impression matters”

➢ Mistake-2

Sending non-personalized emails.

When discussing the first impression, there comes another vital factor along with it, which is the “Presentation” of your article/advertisement states the Digital Marketing Jacksonville experts. The market consists of plenty of competitors, each one trying to establish its brand position. So the focus here should be on being exceptional among the competitors. So in order to beat the competition and achieve the top, make sure your emails are well personalized, eye-catching, properly formatted, and crafted with unique content.

➢ Mistake-3

Sending numerous emails.

Spamming too many emails won’t be an effective marketing strategy. Chances are you may end up losing a customer by frustrating them by sending constant emails.

According to the statistics 48.8% of the customers have flagged an email as spam as the company sends too many emails.

And the success rate is higher upon sending ‘fewer messages’. And this is said to be the opinion of 43.9% of customers worldwide.

➢ Mistake-4

Failing to include clear calls to action {CTA}

The main goal of your marketing is to make your audience take action towards your product or services and this is one of the most efficient email marketing strategies. Your marketing strategy will remain a waste of effort if it does not command any CTA message to your audience.

Hence, keep in mind what you intend to inquire from your audience and prepare your content accordingly.

Do remember to make your content unique as it will generate higher chances of click-through rates.

➢ Mistake-5

Over-crowding your email content.

Knowing the fact that your forum must have limited space for your article/advertisement to fit in you can make the huge mistake of over-crowding the content.

If you are among those who believe the more the information, the better the customer will understand your business, then you are completely wrong. The customers don’t like to read things that are very overcrowded with too many highlights and mark-ups. Instead, they prefer articles that are spacious, less crowded, easy, and simple to understand.

➢ Mistake-6

Not creating attention-grabbing Subject lines.

Getting your targeted audience to open your email is itself an achievement. But you don’t want to lose your customer in the very next step. Which is due to poor, ineffective subject lines. According to research, 35% of email recipients open an email based on the heading of the article itself. So make sure you work your way out on creating impactful and attention-grabbing subject lines.

And lastly, make sure that you do not make your subject lines lengthy and complex. They should be easy to read and attention-grabbing.


In this competitive world where Businesses wrestle with each other to thrive in their respective domain, the competition is tough, therefore making or failing to detect minor mistakes can be considered normal. It’s a default human feature to make mistakes. But the thing that makes you exceptional from the others is your willingness to improve. Additionally, you can also refer to the e-mail marketing guide to run your email marketing campaigns successfully.




Written by YashaaGlobal

I’m an SEO Expert @YashaaGlobal from Jacksonville, Fl

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